How is the laser done?

Before the laser is done
On the day of laser, I will ask you to start taking 2 drops. The first, pilocarpine, constricts the pupil. This puts the iris under tension and makes it easier to put a small hole in it. It also reduces the pressure in the eye, which can rise for a few hours after the laser. Unfortunately, it will make you temporarily slightly more short sighted and in some patients can cause a headache. You will be taking this drop four times a day for 2 days.
The second drop is a steroid (eg Pred Forte). This reduces inflammation, which can occur to a mild extent after the laser. You will be asked to take this drop four times a day for a total of 3 days.

The laser treament.
This is done as an out-patient procedure on a slit-lamp to which the laser is attached.  Your eye will be numbed with local anaesthetic and a contact lens placed on the eye.  Some time will be taken to get your eye in the optimal position for the laser. You will be told when we are about to start and must be prepared for a slight jolt when the laser hits the iris. Try not to move – otherwise we will have to reposition the eye which can take time. You will receive between 5 and 20 laser pulses. Occasionally, some bleeding occurs from the iris, which might necessitate putting some pressure on the eye for a minute or so.

I will put in another drop called iopidine into the eye to prevent a post-laser pressure spike. You can resume all normal activities after 2 hours.